
Thoughts on learning and development strategy, tactics, and how to use eLearning technology to drive change.

Who Owns Customer Training?

Training opportunities are increasingly stretching beyond the 4 walls of the company, but who really owns customer training? And why does that matter? This eBook explores the “why” and “how” of a customer learning program.

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Leveraging the Power of Collaborative Learning Using an LMS

The traditional “top-down” approach to organizational L&D is changing. Learning leaders are increasingly installing collaborative, cohort-based learning programs. Could this be the next evolution of the employee experience? 

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Storytelling With Learning Analytics

Learning leaders must often be good storytellers, too. Using learning analytics to tell a compelling story about learning progress can be powerful but potentially tricky. This eBook can help make some sense of the data to tell a more compelling story.

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Creating Inclusive Learning Programs for Neurodivergent Employees

Neurodivergent individuals, including those with ADHD, autism (ASD), and more, often have unique needs. Adapting learning programs for them can be made easier with this eBook.

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4 Trends in Employee Learning and Development

L&D has undergone a profound transformation in recent months as the age of the pandemic ends, much of the workforce returns to the workforce, and the era of AI begins. This eBook looks at four emerging trends in L&D today.

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Think Like A CEO: How Learning Drives Business Impact

Learning leaders are increasingly aware of the need to link learning measurement to broader business objectives. This research summary looks at how organizations are measuring the business impact of learning.

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Cybersecurity Never Sleeps

Now is the time to rethink strategies for delivering cybersecurity training. Annual refresher courses may not be the best approach to delivering effective and engaging training. This eBook examines strategies to create more and better opportunities for learning.

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Knowing Your Role

Getting and keeping stakeholder buy-in is crucial to the long-term success of L&D programs. This eBook examines strategies to better understand the goals and opportunities of different members of an organization and how to garner their buy-in.

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A Year-Over-Year Plan for L&D Leaders

Developing learning programs that have “stickiness” requires constant attention, measurement, and listening. This eBook examines strategies to consider when developing those nuanced and advanced learning programs.

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How To Get The Most Out of Your First Year Using An LMS

Looking at your first year using an LMS. From planning and implementation to roll out and reporting, this eBook examines expectations for first-time tech buyers and experienced learning leaders alike.

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Your Guide to Personalizing the Learning Experience

Learners are looking for the WIIFM (“what’s in it for me”). Brainier partnered with The Brandon Hall Group to develop this research summary as your guide to personalizing the learning experience.

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A Holistic Approach to Upskilling Employees

Skills development programs don’t exist in a vacuum. That’s why it’s important to look at learning and development programs in a holistic way and see how they relate to the overall L&D efforts.

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Why Nonprofits Are Seriously Interested in eLearning Tech

Nonprofit organizations are finding out just how useful eLearning technology can be at driving success and contributing to “the mission” of the organization.

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Accelerating Growth and Belonging for All

Employee Belonging is one of the fastest-growing influences on how your employees, prospective employees,  and others view your organization. This eBook breaks down ways to help create a sense of belonging.

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Making Collaborative Learning More Inclusive

Connecting learners can be a challenge for a divided workforce. Whether employees are in-person, hybrid, or remote, the need for ongoing collaboration persists, especially in learning and development.

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5 Things Your eLearning Strategy Needs

What makes up a great eLearning strategy? Building a modern eLearning program is more than amassing a huge content library. In many cases, more isn’t always better. See what else factors into a good strategy.

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Building Your Employment Brand With Learning

Attracting high-quality talent starts with cultivating a powerful employment brand. Organizations that create space to connect, share, and learn can benefit from increased qualified candidates and a reduction in turnover.

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Outgrowing Your LMS?

Workplace expectations are, once again, on the rise. The same is true for learning technology. A scattered workforce demands a modern learning experience and not all learning solutions can adapt. Here are 5 ways to tell if it’s time for a change.

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Research Brief: Extended Enterprise Learning

Learning extends beyond the 4 walls of the organization. Brainier partnered with The Brandon Hall Group to develop this research brief on the state of extended enterprise learning and its future.

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Performance, Personalities, and ROI

Creating sustainable learning programs means adhering to 3 principles that we’re calling the “non-negotiables” of L&D programs. Put each of your learning objectives through this simple checklist.

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The Future of Blended Learning

L&D programs are covering more ground than ever before. Maintaining a blended learning approach is imperative. We’ll cover four ways to personalize and optimize your learning program.

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Boosting Learner Engagement

Learner engagement is not an easy task as learning programs are rarely maintenance-free. Even the most bullet-proof L&D plans need to be reviewed and revised periodically. See ways to boost learner engagement.

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Reboarding For The NEXT Normal

Getting back to work after a crisis and into what will be the “next normal” can be a difficult process. The workplace has changed. So has the workforce. See how to safely bring employees back with eLearning.

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4 Reasons Better Onboarding Requires Better Learning

Every organization wants the same thing for its new hires: to get up to speed quickly, close any knowledge gaps, integrate with the team, and be productive. Check out 4 ways to improve this process.

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Decentralized Learning: What the Future LMS Could Be

Learning content is found in many places and in many forms these days. The LMS of the future will need to package the world’s information and distribute it to your computer, phone, or medium of choice.

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Next-generation Leaders Need Next-generation Learning

Today, leaders are faced with a changing future. For example, the Business Roundtable, a group of nearly 200 CEOs, decided that their companies could no longer just focus on creating shareholder value.

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Learning Is the Leading Differentiator for 2020 and Beyond

Half of all jobs in the U.S. could be automated right now. With so much change happening all around us, your organization needs to become a learning organization.

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Turning Your L&D From a Line Item Into a Strategic Business Unit

If and when a recession hits, learning and development is often one of the first departments on the budgetary chopping block, especially if they haven’t defined themselves strategically.

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Four Industries That Really Need a Modern LMS

Robots are coming to take our jobs, the economy is headed toward a recession, and unemployment is at historical lows. How do you prepare your workforce for a future like this?

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7 Questions for Finding the Right Partner in the New World of Enterprise L&D

The right LMS can deliver real results for your organization; however, it’s easy to get distracted by the bells and whistles. This eBook helps to prioritize your eLearning needs.

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7 Trends Revolutionizing Enterprise Learning Now

The world of enterprise learning is being transformed by the same social, cultural, and economic changes that are affecting every other part of the business. Check out these 7 LMS trends.

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Learning and Development in the 5-generation Workforce

Our workforce now represents five generations of learners. To deal with this new reality, HR must be flexible. L&D leaders need to shift how they think about the delivery of learning content.

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It’s Time for a New Kind of Enterprise Learning & Development

The traditional LMS is broken. It fails to take advantage of the potential of modern technology and today’s understanding of learning. Take a fresh look at L&D with a thoroughly modern LMS.

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Brainier LMS Review by LMS.org

The minds behind Brainier listened to the needs of users and developed a system that caters to almost everyone. Create branded login pages with logos and more. The system supports multi-tenant access so users can establish separate areas for customers, employees, or partners. Build custom groups, incorporate social learning, and keep users motivated with gamification. Brainier brings new levels of innovation and flexibility to the LMS table…

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